Audio Mixer & Lighting Console cases

Audio Mixer & Lighting Console Cases

Whether you travel lightly or you take everything including the kitchen sink; we can help you design and build a case to move all your gear!

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Rack Mount Cases

Equipment racks are a fix player in any gig or production these days. The standard sizes and modular equipment make it very easy to arrange everything in a compact way and have them pre-wired and ready to go for the show.

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Mother Trucker Packers


– Truck Pack Friendly Dimensions Across the Range of Mother Trucker Packers – Designed and Manufactured in Australia
– High Quality Adam Hall Hardware and Material
– Scandinavian Birch Plywood
– 10mm EVA Foam Lining All Around
– Touring Label Dish

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Performance Cases

Whether you travel lightly or you take everything including the kitchen sink; we can help you design and build a case to move all your gear!

View The Range

Creating your best case scenario.™

Made in Australia by Design Quintessence
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